OzEaN's ViEw

My life, my views, my words.

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Sunday, January 02, 2005

I'll know soon enough

Well, after the countdown, we went to our other friends' house. We stayed there until almost 4am. New Year's Day I worked but only until 5:30pm. I went to my cousin's house at night. I worked this morning and now I'm waiting for my friend to get here so that I could help her get her stuff to the dorms again. Her school starts tomorrow. We'll stop by to get fish food because I bought the wrong one (my poor fish!). Anyway, I didn't have any New Year's resolution because I believe that the changes that I will go through will depend on how much I want it to be done and the circumstances around me. So instead, I just made a list of New Year's goals that would make my life more fun, adventurous and light:

1) bunjee jump
2) scuba dive
3) sky dive
4) snow board
5) travel

That's it for now since everything on the list is expensive so I still have to save up. I'm thinking of getting a second job so I can save up and my job right now will just be for bills and "going-out" expenses. We'll see if by the end of this year I'll have the list checked off. Days go by so fast that I'll know soon enough.


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