OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Friday, December 03, 2004

Change has become me

What did I do today? What else but work. I worked from 4:45-11:30am. My co-worker gave me a book entitled " The Good Earth" for my Christmas present. I'm going to read that on my plane ride back to my parents' house for Christmas. Anyway, I went home, checked my mails, and took a nap. I had to get back to work at 3pm because one of my co-workers called-in-sick. I left at around 4pm and went straight to my night class. There were few discussions and then my instructor gave as our take home exam. Went to drive-thru for dinner and ate it in my room while wasting away my time in front of the computer. It never cease to amuse me that no matter how long my day has been, I never really did much. I hope I'm not wasting my time here on earth. But even though my schedule seems so ordinary, changes still occur. I embrace every change that comes my way. Because somewhere along the way, change has become me.


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