OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Saturday, November 06, 2004

I can finally go to bed

Last night my co-workers and I went to the city. It was one of my co-workers' birthday and some of our company got really drunk. Two of them passed out! I really don't get the concept of drinking. They said that you have to get the buzz before you really appreciate it. I don't drink. I hate the taste and I hate the after taste. I couldn't past 2 sips and that's only when my friends beg me to drink. Peer pressure really don't do a lot to me. I'm quite stubborn. If I don't like something, I don't like it - no matter how much everybody else loves it. Alcohol (and cigarettes) aren't really my thing. I don't get how people can drink those stuff. Maybe it's because I'm picky with my drinks. I don't even drink coffee and I'm surrounded by caffeine almost everyday! I don't mind being around people who drinks or smokes, hell they can even do drugs in front of me as long as they don't harm me. I just don't like doing those things myself. I sometimes remind my friends not to drink but I don't nag them. They're old enough to know what's right and wrong.

Anyway, I got home few minutes before 4am. I worked at 10am. My housemate's daughter started celebrating her birthday at 4pm, I got home about hour and a half before. Well, let's just say that resting is out of question when there are 10 screaming 10-year-old girls out in the leaving room. No matter how hard I tried, it was useless. So what else can I do but get out of bed and join the party. It started mellowing down at 7pm. The girls went home and most of the people left were adults (who can keep their voices down). So I went back in my room, checked my messages and updated my blog. I can finally go to bed.


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