OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Still Sick

How is it that some people can plan their lives way ahead of them even though they don't know how long they're going to live, and given that life - no matter how boring a person might live - has a lot of unexpected circumstances tagged along with it? How is it that even when a person is surrounded by opportunities, catching the right one - or any at all - is still as hard as finding the right love? Why is it that sometimes when running errands, the main ones were the ones forgotten? Is it because the mind is processing a million things at once and the important ones are simply overlooked? Or is it because the number of important things need to be done has increased drastically that it has become overwhelming, to the point that the initial significant items on the list are forgotten? Not much more to say, so much thoughts to process, nowhere to go...I'm still sick.


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