OzEaN's ViEw

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Short but aims high

Monday, August 22, 2005


Well, I finally had a weekend off. I don't have to work weekends on my full-time job but I'm usually scheduled to work weekends on my part-time one. But since I already had plans, I asked for the weekend off.

On Saturday (my birthday!), we were supposed to go to a wedding in the morning. My parents went because they were sponsors but my eldest bro, my sis and I went straight to the reception. It was too early for me since I worked the night before and got off at 1am. My sister pointed out also that they put their gift on the bed the night before, which I completely missed because I just crawled to my bed and slept. My parents (ok, my sis and eldest bro also) bought me the pair of earrings with matching necklace with my birthstone (peridot). I've worn it that day. We left the reception at about past 4pm. Then we went to dinner for my birthday dinner, just my family. After that, we went to our family friend's house because he was also celebrating his birthday. His bday was actually Thursday but since no one would be able to come (my parents had the wedding rehearsal, the rest of us had work), he decided to had his get-together at his house on Saturday.

On Sunday after church and lunch, my second older brother took me to the mall and bought me two shoes! He's really a sweetheart. After that, I went to get my oil change because my car was already over 1,000 mileage from the recommended oil change. At 4pm, my friends picked me up and we went out for my birthday. We played miniature golf, raced (my neck still hurts from the go cart!), and ate dinner. Then we hang out at DoMi's house and chatted until about 11pm. They also gave me great gifts!

And now I'm back at work, but just one today because I asked for the day off (again) from the other job. I am extremely thankful for my family and friends. I really felt love over the weekend. I still do. I might complain about some parts of my life, about the way I look (not a lot of people are satisfied with the way they look, anyway)...but I am extremely thankful because I know how blessed I am.


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