OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Thursday, March 24, 2005

This is all the dosage I could take for now

I can't sleep. I've been thinking of so many stuff that I figured I might as well put them down to words so that I can somehow clear my head and maybe I can finally go to sleep. Just random thoughts and events, nothing major.

I had my follow up doctor's appointment on March 14th. My doctor said that the ultrasound indicated that the tissue that causes lump in my breast is non-cancerous. She gave me 3 options. First, I can have her get a sample tissue for 100% accuracy (ultrasound is 90% accurate). Second, I can get it surgically removed if I'm really bothered by it because some women don't like having lump. Three, I can do nothing - have an appointment in 6 months again just to make sure. So I chose number three. There's no need to spend the money that I don't have if I don't have to. She said staying low on caffeine would help and some Vitamin E.

Well, I've been sick for a while now. Nothing serious, really. I've just been couging a lot still. A little bit of cold but no fever. I think it's because I haven't really been resting. The only days that I got some rest were March 15 and 16. On March 15, I wasn't feeling well but I still went to work from 4:45-9:45am because nobody can cover my shift. I didn't mind since it was just five hours. When I went home I just stayed on bed all day. I ate soup and I rested. I didn't even stay in front of the computer long. The 16th was my complete day off so I just stayed home and rested. I worked on the 17th and then at 2am of the 18th, me and my friends/co-workers started our 7-hour drive to my parents' house to spend the weekend there.

We got to my parents' house at around 9am. It was drizzling which pretty much sucked because we wanted to be outdoors. We rested for a while after breakfast then I woke up at around 1pm. We ate lunch then my friends and I, along with my dad and eldest brother, went to the car dealership. My brother traded his car for a new one (nissan sentra - he got the same model but different year and with more features) and I bought a new car (honda civic ex) while my dad got the one that I was using. That car (sentra '03) was under my dad's name in the first place but I was the one paying the monthly. Since I've been paying the monthly, my dad put the down payment for my car. It wasn't much but it was something. I'm going to start my monthly payment in May.

I found out that my sister has scoliosis. It was a minor curve that I hope will be corrected soon.

That same night, I took my friends out clubbing. I wasn't able to meet my friends from the area because they all had plans. They wanted to do a barbecue the next day but I already had plans with my family. Anyway, my friends (CaPa, Th, Y) liked the club. We went home at almost 2am.

Our next day was spent shopping. It was funny because the boys basically were the ones who did the shopping while me and Y bought very few stuff. My mom and my second older brother went with us, too. Y and I bought baby turtles also. They were very cute and so we wanted one for a pet. I also bought a belt. Yup. Those were the only ones I bought. My brother bought an old school family computer games, which he later on gave to me. He's such a sweetheart.

At night, it was a typical family gathering for us. Our relatives came over as usual, making up an excuse to get together. This time, the get together was about the boxing fight of Paquiao (sp?) and Morales. It was really loud but fun. It didn't hurt that the food was good, too. The teenagers and post-teenagers made an escape from the "old" ones and went upstairs. My second older brother and his girlfriend, among with Y, Th, my sister, my niece and I played Cranium. CaPa was passed out both from being tired and from being drunk. My eldest brother left for work already, he works graveyard shift. The game was fun, especially because of my second older brother. He's hilarious. Partly because he was buzzed from alcohol. The game was a blast. We also watched part of the old movie "Rosemary's Baby." It was boring. We didn't finish it before we even called it a night at 2am.

The next day, me and my sister went to church while my two older brothers fixed the new furniture in the house. My friends were resting and my parents were supervising the other carpenter who was fixing the new kitchen cabinet. Then CaPa found someone to cover my shift for Monday morning so we got to stay one more day. We picked up my younger brother who was in military training for the weekend. We(My three brothers, my sister and my friends) went to the beach that afternoon. My younger brother got a henna tattoo just to see what my mom's reaction...and it was funny! We also went to the carnival pier. We got home at around 9pm. We packed our things, I grocery shopped at my parents' kitchen and toiletries, I wrote a letter for my sister to be given to the principal telling them of her condition, we finished the movie and then we slept before midnight.

At 4am of the 21st, we ate breakfast and then left for our long drive. After dropping everyone off, I unpacked my car, clean my room a bit, took a shower, making sure my pet was still alive, I then slept until about 6 or 7pm. I went online until I decided to go back to sleep at 3am.

The next day was back to reality. I wrote down my schedule and it said there I was expected at work at 2pm. At 1:30pm, my co-worker told me that I was supposed to be there at 1pm. I got off at 8:30pm. I worked with Th and we decided to eat out for dinner and watch Ring2 after. The movie was ok. Not really scary, a couple of jumpy parts. It was more on explaing what was going on in the first movie. I've watched the Japanese version which was a trilogy. Since they changed a lot of stuff in the American version, the sequel is almost exactly different from the Japanese version. I hope that there is no third part on the American version because they already put closure on it.

Today, I worked until 1pm. I then ran some errands. I went to the bank, I went to buy a table, I called the insurance for my car. Then I had dinner with C and Th. Afterwards, I dropped off a printing of scholarships info at Y's house because she was looking for scholarships. I brought my turtle (shrek) supposedly to visit Y's turtle (fiona). Y bought a tank for Fiona with heater, filter and lamp. Turtles are supposed to have a warm environment for their appetite. Both our turtles haven't been really eating. She offered if I want Shrek to stay in the tank for now. Y will buy shrimp tomorrow to feed the turtles and maybe their appetite will pick up because we don't see them eating the pellets. I said yes and left Shrek there and his box.

Which leads me to my first dilemma. I'm torn on whether to keep Shrek or give her to Y. Y's mom likes the turtle, too, and even asked Y to ask me if I'd want to sell it to her. Y's brother might get another one so Fiona won't be lonely. I found a tank with a system already for a cheaper price that I could buy Friday. But the commitment phobic in me wants to give Shrek to Y. The other side of me is telling me that it's about time that I take a chance. I know it sounds silly but this is a big step for me. I don't like taking responsibilities. I'm afraid of taking responsibilities. I've never had an actual pet that lasted before because I was never good at it (might have something to do with my commitment issues). My friend gave me a puppy when we were freshemen. It died. My other friend gave me an Iguana (I liked it, too) when I was a junior. It escaped. I had a fish just one day before new year's. Four days later, it died. Setting up a home for a turtle is expensive already, not to mention the responsibilities that come with it. Turtles grow really big, too. I'm rarely home and I'm afraid I might neglect it. I'm also afraid that even if I put out the effort, it'll just die when it could've lived if someone else had taken care of it. I don't know. But I need to figure this out by tomorrow so if I decide to give it to Y, I can call the owner of the tank and tell him that I won't be buying it.

The second dilemma would be career. I might have a meeting with my district manager about my panel interview this April. I also received an e-mail from the company I applied for before and they want to setup an interview. That company is located within driving miles from my parents house. I was going again to my parents house in April for my dad's birthday but if I setup an interview, I would have to stay longer than a weekend which would be a problem because my friend can only go with me to drive down Friday afternoon after her class and we have to come back Sunday because she has class Monday. I don't want to drive alone because: 1)my dad won't let me, 2)it's not safe, 3)it's boring, 4)I might be tired on my drive back that I might fall asleep which, last I heard, is dangerous when driving. So right now I'll try to see how the meeting will go this Friday and then I'll decide.

So I guess I'll go to sleep now. This is all the dosage I could take for now.


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