OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm getting old

Well, it's been helluva long time since I last posted. I've extremely busy - at some point. The times when I wasn't busy, I was just lazy ;) So why am I posting right now? Because I'm bored. I'm at work right now with nothing to do because I finished 95% of my paper works yesterday, and everything else by 9:30am this morning. People around here warned me about working too fast lest I have nothing to do. I should've listened. I guess working in a slower pace takes getting used to. Well, I'll try to remember what I did the last few months, though not as detailed as my previous posts.

I transferred store in April nearer my parent's house and moved back in with them. For the life of me I can't remember what I did on May. There were cousins and niece who graduated on June, all graduations I couldn't attend but was able to go to the dinner with a couple of them. My younger brother also left for his boot camp on June. He joined the Coast Guard Army on January. First weekend of July my friends from the north visited me and we went to LV. I was tired, I got off work at 1am and they picked me up at 5am. I slept on the drive. We stopped by at SD to pick up another friend and then off to LV. It was fun, we went to a club then we went to watch a concert. Above 110 degrees the entire weekend. Like an open sauna! The weekend after was my sister's and mom's birthday and my parents' anniversary. We ate out to celebrate those occasions and then we had a family trip the weekend after at PS. It was sooo hot over there. 115 degrees (if I remember it correctly) when we got there, and 120 degrees for the remanding two days but we had fun. We rode the tram, went hiking (although not extensively because my brothers were complaining - not in shape!), and went to the zoo. The animal show was cancelled because it was too hot for the animals. The last week of July I had a job interview at ARC (am) and got hired that afternoon. So I stepped down from my position at the store I'm working at now so I can be a regular employee. The job at ARC is M-F 8-5 (full-time) so I'm keeping my other job PT that way I can save and pay off all my debts.

I haven't really been going out. I remember vaguely going out to dinner with my girl friends when I came back home but we were mainly just hanging out DoMiE's house playing pool. This month, we went to the "adult arcade" to celebrate K's bday. My friends (south) and I don't go out anymore unless there's an occasion because we're all in a budget. So that's my life so far. Not as exciting, but still exhausting. What can I say but I'm getting old.


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