OzEaN's ViEw

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Short but aims high

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amuse myself

Time goes by sooooooo fast! I was able to pick up a trip that had layover in cleveland on dec. 23rd and home on christmas eve so i got to go to my friend's christmas dinner in cleveland and the christmas party back home. The down side of it was that my van time for christmas day was 6am so i basically didn't have sleep on christmas day and i did 4 flights that day! It's all worth it, though. On new year's eve, scheduling gave me a day break, which basically means day off so I was able to joing my friends from Hayward who went to NY for new year's eve. We went to Diggs' condo which was amazing. I never knew there was a refrigerator that has internet, video and tv on it! We went to bar/lounge after the countdown. I got back to my crashpad at almost 4am. I worked that afternoon.

With L.O., I think I'm over him. I don't think of him much really since the new year began. This is what scares me on getting into relationship, I get bored or tired of things easily...I move on quickly.

Anyway, the new year has brought a whole bunch of unexpected crashpad haunting. My roommates decided to all move out without enough notice so I have to move next door temporarily because one of the flight attendant there is on medical leave. I found a place to move though for the next month. It's just so hectic and stressing, especially financially.

Speaking of finance, I'm trying to save for next month - which is extremely hard considering how low my paycheck is and the bills that seems to accumulate everyday - because I'm going on vacation, at least trying to go on vacation. I have a week of vacation next month and if I can move my days off in front of it, I will be in good shape.

Winter's finally here. There were flurries last night and the temperature has been consistently in the 30's (degrees). Flurries are fine as long as it doesn't full on snow...and temperature is ok as long as it's not windy!

Well, I'm sitting airport alert right now, and the month has been slow so I don't know if I'll get used. Either way, I know I can find something to amuse myself.


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