OzEaN's ViEw

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Location: United States

Short but aims high

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A bit less boring

Well, what's been going on? First things first, I'm not talking to "the chef" anymore. I kind of got turned off when he accidentally said 'i love you' on the voicemail he left me which sounds desperate to me even though i have a feeling that he just ran out of things to say...but still...and i think i scared him off, but whatever...i'm not really into him.

On the other note, i have a new prospect...another flight attendant. L.O. is really nice and he's a good cook too! Gotta love a guy who can cook :) He's 7 years older than me which caught me off guard because he looks so much younger. We met at a thanksgiving dinner that mutual friends (both flight attendants) hosted but I think we worked together before because he looked so familiar then and he even said the same. But with 9,000 flight attendants in the company, who could keep track? Anyway, he offered to give me a ride back to my crashpad, he even opened the passenger side car door to let me in. He's such a gentleman. Then on 12/14 he invited me along with other flight attendant friends to his house for dinner. I had to work until 8pm but he and our other guy friend picked me up at the airport. I was surprised of how good of a cook he was, he even gave us parting gifts of "to go" food :) After dinner, we walked his housemate's dog around the block and we talked a bit. I found it kind of funny and adorable how he made sure I know that he wasn't gay because his two housemates were. When we got back, he taught me how to play darts. I must say I did improve from hitting the wall to actually hitting the board. At around 11pm, he drove me back to my crashpad. The goodbye was kind of hasty because a pilot whose crashpad was in the same floor as mine was holding the elevator for me but we did manage a hug and he pecked me on my cheek. If only he would ask me out already!

Anyway, between my daydreaming, trips, and figuring out if i will be watching a tour show of dancing with the stars or not...life has been if not exciting, at least a bit less boring...


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